The response to the devastation created in south Florida by Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and, more recently, Hurricane Wilma in 2005, did not end with the first and emergency responders securing and ensuring the public’s safety. The hurricanes’ aftermath changed the mission to relief and clean up. This change in mission did not minimize the criticality of the mission. Lines were down, power was out, streets were impassable, and the public and affected cities & communities needed timely relief. Effective communication and coordination efforts were severely hampered by downed public networks that further stressed limited resources to the maximum.
Private radio systems have NOT been replaced by cellular telephone & SMS texting services, or quite frankly, anything else. In fact, private, professional two-way radio is still the primary and preferred communications technology of choice demanded by savvy business owners, manufacturing & industrial facility managers, transportation, delivery & service organization dispatchers, school & campus security personnel, and virtually every utility, Public Safety, Public Service, Emergency Management, and Homeland Security in the country today.
Why? One important reason is that today's professional two-way radios and systems are time-tested, field-proven, and effective mobile communications tools offering numerous operational capabilities that can be easily customized for almost any type of application or use. Another is the ability to integrate disparate systems into a seamless and interoperable mission critical network.
Generally speaking, public networks like cellular and most recently defunct Nextel, were inherently designed on a one size fits all basis, and cannot be custom configured for specific COVERAGE requirements or the unique service needs and requirements of individual user groups. This CAPACITY is another unmatched “de facto” standard of private land mobile radio systems.
Private radio systems are typically not subject to the same types of network accessibility risks, failures, air-time billing or service issues that public subscriber-based systems are known for. Operational and management CONTROL of a private radio system remains with the equipment owner. The ability to access, maintain, repair, and upgrade are under the complete control of the system owner.
A financial benefit is the net COST of ownership and use, which, when all is said and done, is significantly less on a long-term basis than is the on-going monthly expense and other 'hidden' charges associated with the use of cellular, paging, or other public systems. If you simply “do the math”, private radio has always been and continues to be one of the best long-term cost vs. benefit values available.
But perhaps the most useful and valuable benefit of private, professional two-way radio systems is their unique one-to-many group communications CAPABILITY which include purpose-built devices and networks, text messaging, email & data applications to increase efficiency and productivity, secure communications and safety & reliability features These capabilities allow all members of a work group to simultaneously hear and talk among themselves, and, enables managers, supervisors, and dispatchers to prudently monitor and participate in all on-going group activities as needed. Only private two-way radio provides this group communications capability in a truly cost-effective manner.
At a time when wireless communication devices and choices are as abundant and diverse as the applications and customer bases they serve, one simple fact still holds true, private radio systems can provide instant, reliable, and cost-effective communication in virtually any environment, anywhere, anytime. Public wireless systems usually cannot, particularly in local or regional emergencies that tend to tie up the networks when they are most critically needed.
Whether your needs range from simple single job-site business communications to integrating a complex mission-critical wide area voice, data, internet communication system, private radio systems continue to meet, and often exceed, the expectations and challenges placed upon them.
Express Radio has a team of system and network engineers with successful project execution and implementation experience of more than 150 combined years in mission critical private radio systems. We welcome the opportunity to work closely with your communications or IT personnel in system analysis, technology viability, grade & quality of service, security, training and deployment.
And when considering a private radio communication system for your business operations, remember the 5 C’s that make up the basics of what makes Land Mobile Radio such a widely used tool:
COVERAGE – Designed to meet specific requirements, whether it’s a single site warehouse or a multi-site manufacturing operation.
CAPACITY – Designed & engineered to address peak usage using dedicated licensed RF spectrum and right sized to your organization’s specific needs, so calls always get through.
CONTROL – High degree of control over system requirements, design, priorities, features, and operation, allowing a system to be configured for a specific use.
COST – Predictable costs, with no additional airtime fees like those associated with cellular phones.
CAPABILITIES – Purpose-built devices and networks, data applications to increase efficiency and productivity, secure communications, and Safety and reliability features.
We provide full Turnkey optimized solutions to fit all your wireless communications needs.
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